Site Director Resources

As a valued SEU partner site, you have exclusive access to a comprehensive suite of resources thoughtfully crafted by the SEU team to support your success in every aspect of site management. Designed with your unique needs in mind, these tools and guides are here to help you create an impactful and thriving environment for your students. Browse the resources relevant to your goals, and don’t hesitate to reach out to the designated contacts with any questions.

New to the SEU Network?


Review SEU's admission process along with resources such as the admission packet, CRM management, and application steps.

Enrollment Strategy

Explore enrollment strategies with insights on recruitment tactics, strategy development, and navigating the admissions funnel.

Financial Aid

Learn more about financial aid steps for partner site students & tips on how to help your students receive financial aid at SEU.


Find more information on SEU"s guidelines for marketing deliverables as well as request forms for marketing materials.

SEU Directory

Have questions for SEU? Use this directory to find the right person to help answer your questions!

Site Directory

Search for sites within the SEU Network.