SEU’s marketing team, SEU Creative, will collaborate with you to develop marketing materials and guide you through SEU’s marketing guidelines. You can either create materials in-house (with approval) or request them directly from SEU Creative.
*Note: Due to state authorization requirements/fines, sites should not begin marketing until approval is given by SEU regarding the information that may be marketed.
SEU Creative will contact you with information on SEU’s marketing resources, guidelines, and procedures. It is encouraged to set up a phone call to review these guidelines and ask questions.
Email Kennedi English at to schedule a phone call.
SEU Creative’s Network Marketing Manager will work with you to ensure all marketing materials are complete and in compliance before you begin marketing SEU’s programs at your church or organization.
Request printed materials on our Marketing Request Form. The first 500 trifold brochures are complimentary to new sites. Contact Kennedi English, at with any questions.
Developing a marketing strategy will help you define your audience and map out a plan for the year ahead. Click the link below to get started.
You may choose to create a brand for your ministry program, (e.g. Faith Leadership Institute). Alternately, you can simply market your site as a partner of SEU (e.g. SEU at Faith Church). If you choose to create a separate brand, here are some things to keep in mind as you begin marketing initiatives.
Follow the links below to request marketing materials for your site.
Print materials, websites and social media are great tools for providing information to students and families regarding your site and what makes it unique. All items must be reviewed by the SEU marketing office prior to their use. SEU reserves the right to request the discontinued use of materials that were not approved or do not follow its marketing guidelines. Click the buttons below to view our marketing guidelines and view our marketing approval form.
The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) requires that Southeastern University show full ownership of the degree programs offered at extension sites & regional campuses. Therefore, sites are not permitted to list degree programs, tuition, or financial aid information their website and some printed marketing materials. SEU will create a unique webpage for your site that you will be able to link to from your website.
Any logo, print piece, image, photo or other marketing item that belongs to SEU is prohibited for use unless permission has been given by SEU to your site to use that particular item.
Click below to view approved logos and available photos/videos under the Marketing tab.
Brand Identity, Marketing Strategy, Brand Guidelines, Partner Pages & Marketing Requests
Kennedi English | 863.667.5566