Partnership Guidelines

The following guidelines from Southeastern University (SEU) are designed to meet compliance standards set by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) and are essential to maintaining the University’s accreditation. SEU values its partnerships with each site and is committed to sustaining a strong network; therefore, adherence to these guidelines is required for churches and other organizations to remain in partnership with the University.

By following these guidelines, SEU partner sites ensure a cohesive and professional representation of the SEU brand across all materials and platforms. SEU reserves the right to request that sites cease distribution of materials or remove any web or social media content that does not align with these guidelines and SEU’s brand standards.

All marketing materials must be approved by SEU Creative (SEU’s Marketing department) before being printed or shared digitally. 

Required accreditation & partnership statements

The following statements must be included on your website & marketing materials in order to be in compliance with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) & SEU. The site partnership must be referenced between Southeastern University and the church or host organization, rather than with the church’s ministry/internship program.

Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida partners with [CHURCH NAME] to offer students an affordable, accredited*, Christ-centered educational experience. With flexible class options and hands-on learning opportunities, Southeastern University provides students with a pathway to discover and develop their divine design.

Southeastern University (SEU) in Lakeland, Florida, partners with [CHURCH NAME], serving as a regional campus, to provide students with an affordable, accredited, and Christ-centered education.* Through this partnership, [CHURCH NAME] offers students a localized, community-based learning experience that includes flexible class schedules and hands-on opportunities. This model helps students discover and develop their divine design.

Southeastern University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. Questions about the accreditation of  Southeastern University  may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC’s website (

Required Phrasing
If any of the below is referenced in your pieces, the following statements are required.

[Site Name] is a ministry of [Church Name]. Partnership Statement.

Approved Primary Statement: Southeastern University partners with [Church Name] to offer students affordable degree programs. See available degree programs here.” (Link to Partner Page)

Approved Variation: Southeastern University (Lakeland, FL) partners with {Name of Church/Organization} to host an instructional site on the church campus. See available degree programs. (Link to Partner Page)

Approved Shortened Variation: SEU partners with [CHURCH NAME] to offer these programs (link to partner page). 

If your site has a separate ministry program name that you use, you may not market your program as “accredited.”While Southeastern University is accredited, this accreditation does not extend to your entire ministry program. The following statements are approved:

Approved Primary Statement: [Church Name] partners with Southeastern University to offer students at [Site Name] affordable degree programs. Southeastern University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees.

Approved Variation: Southeastern University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees. {Name of Extension Site} is not accredited by SACS Commission on Colleges and the accreditation of Southeastern University does not extend to or include {Name of Extension Site} or its students. Students must be admitted by Southeastern University and enrolled in university courses to receive the benefits of regional accreditation.

Approved Shortened Variation: Southeastern University is a regionally accredited institution.”

  1. “[Church Name] partners with Southeastern University to offer students at [Site Name] affordable degree programs. Southeastern University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate degrees.” 
  2. “Southeastern University is a regionally accredited institution.”

Approved Primary Statement: To find out more about the cost of SEU’s degree programs at [Church Name], follow the link below.  (link to Partner Page)

  • Approved Variation: SEU partners with [CHURCH NAME] to offer an affordable college experience including flexible degree programs & hands-on ministry experience. See cost details here. (Link to Partner Page)
  • Approved Shortened Statement: View the cost of SEU’s degree programs at (link to partner page).

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Additional Content

  • Student experience: Student spaces, trips/retreats, campus life, practicum tracks, etc.
  • Sample weekly student schedule: See Example Here
  • Site contact information
  • SEU’s application steps
  • Application Information: Link to SEU’s application OR your site program application if you have one
  • Logos provided by SEU — View Logo Guidelines
  • Your website URL (your unique partner page webpage is not required, so long as your website links to this page.) — Website Guidelines
  • Comparing the cost of attending your site to the cost of SEU’s main campus
  • Listing degree programs or tuition information directly on your website (permitted on printed pieces as long as proper guidelines are followed)
  • SEU branding elements other than logo provided or inappropriate use of SEU logo — View Logo Guidelines
  • SEU’s brand taglines (ie “Discover Your Divine Design”)
  • Incorrect phrasing when referring to your site’s partnership with SEU — View Correct Phrasing
  • Statements regarding accreditation, degree programs, tuition, or SEU’s site partnerships that are not listed above.

Marketing Piece Guidelines

The following items are necessary and must be adhered to in order to maintain website compliance. If you would like SEU Creative to review your website for compliance, please submit a request for approval.

SEU Partner Page

All information regarding SEU’s degree programs offered at your site & tuition information will be housed on this page.You are required to link to this webpage from your website when mentioning either of these to remain in compliance.

Find Your Partner Page 


The following pages can be linked on your church’s website:

  • Degree Programs (see required phrasing):
    • You may have a page on your website for academics, but it must link back to your partner page when mentioning degree programs  Do not list programs directly on your website.
      •  add “#programs” to the end of your partner page to take users directly to the degree program section 
  • Tuition (see required phrasing):
    • You may have a page on your website for financial information, but it must link to your partner page for tuition information. Do not add SEU’s tuition directly to your website.
      • General SEU Tuition page
      • Site-specific cost: add “#programs” to the end of your partner page to take users directly to the degree program section 
  • Admission
  • SEU Academic Calendar
  • About SEU 


Before distributing printed or digital materials, please submit them for compliance approval.

Printed Materials: Any brochures, inquiry cards, banners, signage, etc. that physically represent your site’s partnership with SEU in any way.

The following items are necessary and must be adhered to in order to maintain compliance with printed marketing pieces.

  • Accurate degree program list, with the following required statement, included: “Southeastern University offers the following degree programs at [Church Name]”
    • Also Approved: QR code or URL to partner page when mentioning degree programs or tuition information
      • Use required phrasing to introduce either the QR Code or URL
  • Correct use of SEU logos & other branding elements — Logo Guidelines
  • Correct phrasing for
    • Accreditation
    • Degree Programs
    • Site Partnership
    • Tuition

Digital Materials:
Any graphics, presentations, slides, emails, social posts/stories, etc. that digitally represent your site’s partnership with SEU in any way.

The following items are necessary and must be adhered to in order to maintain compliance with digital marketing pieces.

  • QR code or URL to partner page when mentioning degree programs or tuition information
    • Use required phrasing to introduce either the QR Code or URL
  • Correct use of SEU logos & other branding elements — Logo Guidelines

When using a QR Code, keep the following in mind:

  • Do not use a QR code on social media or in an email — provide a link to the page you would like users to navigate to
    • Instagram: use links in stories or links in bio
    • Email: add a button or a hyperlink to the email body
  • Do not add your logo OR other SEU branding elements to your QR code
  • Do not add a frame to your QR Code

The following items are necessary and must be adhered to in order to maintain compliance when creating videos for your site. 

  • Use of approved script — Request Script Approval Here
    • SEU Creative must approve portions of video scripts that mention your site’s partnership with SEU
  • Elements of an approved script include:
    • Accurate mention of degree programs & tuition:
      • Approved Statement: “For more information on SEU’s programs or tuition, please visit (Partner Page URL) or scan the QR Code below.
      • Approved Shortened Statement: Scan the QR Code below to learn about SEU’s programs & tuition.

Video that can be used:

  • B-Roll provided by SEU
    Preferred if talking about SEU specifically 
  • Video of your church
  • Video of students engaging in ministry activities at your church
  • Video of your city

All accounts representing Southeastern University — or any organization affiliated with SEU — in an official capacity must meet the following requirements:

  • Official Social Media Accounts

    • New Partner site accounts & account names must be submitted through this form.

    • If your site’s name  includes “SEU” account name should be @seu[name] (Regional Campus); @seuat[sitename] (Extension Site)
      • No site is allowed to use any variation of “seuniversity” within their handles/marketing for their site. This is reserved solely for the main university account.
      • No account name should include a period, underscore, or any other special characters
    • Each account must have two designated administrators with the ability to log in, with at least one being an official employee of the university (or extension site coordinator) as the primary administrator.
    • The name of the account/page should clearly state “extension site/ministry college” as being represented by the account. DO NOT use a person’s name in either the account profile or the information sections.
      • Profile/Bio Requrements:
        • Account Name: Official Site Name: SEU at [your site]
        • Account Category: Education (this is the only acceptable category)
        • Bio Content:
          • Required: “Extension Site/Regional Campus of @seuniversity” 
          • Recommended: City, State
  • Legal Issues
    • Because your extension site is affiliated with Southeastern as an educational entity, some employees may have access to academic records and personal information of students. Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should such information be posted on any social media forums. This includes responding to students’ questions about specific grades, releasing emails or phone numbers of students, or even asking for students to provide that kind of information on a public page. If for some reason such information must be discussed with a student over social media, it should be done through a personal message. Part of the disclaimer above for others who post on official accounts also applies to people managing those accounts: material should not be posted that infringes on the rights of any third party, including intellectual property, privacy, or publicity rights. Always give credit, and when possible, provide an external link to the material (so long as it is not offensive, hateful, defamatory, etc.). 

How to Submit Pieces of Approval

After designing your pieces, submit proofs through the Marketing Material Request for Approval Form. SEU marketing will review pieces and send any necessary edits within 2-3 business days. Please account for additional time that may be needed to make any requested changes.