New Site Resources

We are committed to your success as an extension site of SEU and have detailed out the process of establishing yourself as a new site! Our desire is to help you launch your site with as little stress as possible.

By following these steps, you will be sure to get your site off to a smooth start. Feel free to get started, and let us know if you have any questions along the way!

1. Finalize Intent & Approval

The letter of intent from the church starts the process of becoming an extension site. Before advancing to any of the next steps, each interested church should work with Kami Kolkana ( or 863.667.5133), to establish a letter of intent.

Following the receipt of your letter of intent, the university will hold an initial call and prepare documentation to ensure that the prospective site is approved.

Due to state authorization requirements, the site should not begin marketing, including publishing a website, until approval is given by SEU.

2. Determine an Enrollment Strategy

Map out a plan of action for advertising your site to prospective students using a personalized enrollment strategy. This step will help you identify your unique markets and existing advertising tools in addition to other ideas on how to hold information sessions and follow up regularly with interested students. Helpful recruitment tools and templates will be made available as well. 

3. Create Marketing Pieces & Plan Launch

Show off your site through brochures, banners, web pages, etc. You will need to set a marketing launch date for your site in order to ensure all materials are complete and in compliance before launch.

SEU Creative has resources & support available to all sites beginning the marketing process.

Marketing Contact
Kennedi English | | 863.667.5566

4. Begin the Admission Process

Engage interested students by encouraging them to apply and submit the required documents. Your site will be assigned an enrollment counselor who will help you through this process. Your site will be introduced to your respective counselor once your site’s application for admission has been set up.


Our standard business hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact the appropriate person through the link below. We will do our best to respond within one to two business days, if not sooner.